Sunday, March 23, 2014

Barcelona Marathon 2014

Barcelona Marathon 2014 / English

One more marathon, one more experience, one more challenge and one more opportunity to grow as athlete & person.

Last 16 of March I ran the Barcelona marathon. It was my 4th time in a row running it. I really like this race. Organization is excellent. People in town cheering athletes boost every single kilometer you run.  Race goes thru the most emblematic places of Barcelona. Circuit is not flat though.

This year was I had tough weeks at work so I was facing the marathon with slightly less focus than previous years.  Any way, “let’s have fun ” I thought.  That was my original goal. 

However this year the weather was preparing something special for us. The day before was warm. The DAY, 8h30 am the temperature was already high (15C / 59F degrees). Thereby, I decided to slowdown from the very beginning. My original idea was to pass the half in 1h15/16 aprox. But I realized that this was not the day, so at km 6 I slowed down and adapted my pace to the situation.

The whole marathon was tough.  I spend most of the race trying to keep hydrated. However, even I took it more relaxed, it was not easy at any point. I start suffering from KM 25 till the finish line. Due to my race reconsideration, I lost my group and I ran alone 36 kms. It was the first time I was running a marathon totally alone.  You keep looking at the chrono. You keep thinking on the next place where you will see someone from your supporting team. You keep looking special places of the track.  

That was me against the wind, against the temperature and against the little voice in your mind that is asking you to stop every single KM.  I guess that thanks to my experience as a runner and my strong commitment to never give up I kept running till finish line.  I have to admit that without all the family and friends supporting during the whole marathon that would have been way more tough.

At the end 2h37’’ and 29th classified.

I had some key learning’s this time:

-       No matter how much you trained. You must adapt to the race conditions. If this not the day to achieve what you planned, re-consider everything. This can be a win or you can end up withdrawing.

-       When you re-consider your approach give you more guard band with respect to what first came to your mind. My impression is that even I reconsidered slower pace it was not enough slow.  Marathon is a marathon, so the fresher you get to the half the better. You can really bit many minutes the second half or you can lost many and suffer quite a lot.

-       Hydration is a KEY factor.  One of the keys that in my opinion helped me quite a lot to finish the marathon was the hydration. I spent the three days before drinking 2 liters of water and 1 liter of isotonic drink.  Also during the race I drank whole water bottles in the refreshment points (Organization did a great job here).

-       Enjoy whenever you ran. We are competitive by nature. However we are not professionals. Thereby, in these situations, we have to turn our passion and competitiveness against the crono to passion and competitiveness against the adverse situations and ourselves.

-       It helps a lot to use intermediate goals to face this type of marathons. In my case I decided to focus on next 5 kms.  If you think in all the rest of the race this will be way more complex to face. Micro objectives. Don’t think on the long way to the finish line. Focus on the next step.

Congratulations to all the finishers. Specially to my friends Pepe, Dani, Josep, Maite, Dani, Pablo, Capo, Jordi, Silvia etc..  This was  not easy guys.. Good job!

Now time to rest for couple of weeks and start looking to the challenges! Thanks to all supporters in town: friends & family.

Salut & kms!


Marató Barcelona 2014

Marató Barcelona 2014 

Una marató més, una experiència més, un repte més assolit. Un pas més per créixer com atleta i com a persona.

El 16 de Març vaig tornar a córrer la marató de Barcelona. Aquest any hem tingut unes setmanes força mogudes a la feina. També he començat a arrancar projectes nous que m’han demanat força energia mental i en part física. Per aquest motiu ja anava amb la mentalitat de disfrutar.

La marató de Barcelona m’agrada. Sobretot per la organització i pel gran ambient que hi ha per la ciutat. No és una marató plana. Però és increïble com la gent que crida pel carrer es capaç de posar-te la pell de gallina tot i que ja no tens força ni per aixecar els braços. Simplement pell de gallina.

El dia anterior de la cursa ja va fer força calor. Però el dia es va despertar ja amb ganes de donar-nos guerra. Tret de sortida, 8h30am i ja estàvem a 17 graus. La cosa no pintava bé. 

Degut això ja vaig veure que la cosa seria complicada i al km 6 vaig deixar el grup que volia passar en 1h14/15 la mitja. Si seguia amb ells rebentaria. Ja començava a notar la calor i portàvem 6 kms! Em quedo sol, i aniré sol fins la línia de meta.

Va ser una marató dura. No, dura no, duríssima. Tot i afluixar, al km 20 ja estava patint.  Em dedicava a veure tot el que podia durant els avituallaments. Ja tenia clar, que era millor perdre 15 segons aquell kilòmetre que perdre 15 minuts al final.  Tot i això vaig patir. Al km 32 ja anava a 3’45. Només pensava en els propers punts on trobaria coneguts, familiars o amics. O pensava en passar per arc de triomf on la gent et fa sentir realment un triomfador. Altre vegada, pell de gallina.  Després de 2h37 minuts vaig arribar 28è a meta. No havia sigut fàcil.

D’aquest marató me’n enduc unes quantes reflexions personals:

- Tot i que hagis entrenat molt i vulguis atacar un temps concret, t’has adaptar a les condicions de cursa. Com més aviat ho vegis millor. Pot acabar sent un infern. I nosaltres venim a lluitar i a disfrutar sentint que estem lluitant.  Cal guardar forces per poder-ho fer. Una marató és molt més llarga del que ens pensem.

- Quant et replanteges la cursa, més val ser pessimista que passar-se d’optimista. Una   marató és molt llarga. Tots els minuts que perdis a la primera part te’ls pots menjar de sobres a la segona si tens força. Si et passes, la pèrdua és exponencial. Perdràs minuts, no segons.

- La hidratació és fonamental. No només el dia de la cursa, sinó també els dies anteriors. Els tres dies abans em bec 2 litres d’aigües i 1 litre de recuperation cada dia.  I durant la cursa vaig beure  cada avituallament. No perdre 10 segons bevent pot implicar perdre minuts al final.

- Disfruta quan corris. Som competitius per natura. Però moltes vegades això ens fa perdre de vista que ho fem per passar-ho bé i per superar-nos. En aquestes situacions, la lluita passa de ser en contra el corono en contra nosaltres mateixos i les situacions adverses. Adaptat a les noves circumstàncies i troba el real nou adversari, lluita i guanya’l. Acabar aquesta marató ja era una victòria.

- A mi em va ajudar força marcar-me punts o objectius intermitjos. Per exemple cada 5 kms o cada punt on sabia que tindria un conegut. Al km 32 estava pensant en creuar el arc de triomf on la gent t’ajuda a treure energia d’on no la tens.

Felicitats a tots els amics que la van acabar: Pepe, Juanito, Dani, Josep, Maite, Dani, Pablo, Capo, Jordi, Silvia etc. . Aquesta no va ser fàcil !! Bona feina.

Ara hora descansar una setmana i tornar a buscar nous reptes! Gracies a la família i amics!!

Salut i kms!
